
Interactive Airway Management Simulator

Model TYE1011
Product size(mm)700×360×260

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This male model has anatomically correct structures, an ideal choice for practicing airway management skill and for evaluating the intubation depth and accuracy, ventilation and the use of laryngoscope through a tablet.


Skills Gained

· Mask ventilation

· LMA placement

· Oral airway insertion

· Nasal airway insertion

· Tracheal intubation

· Thyrocricocentesis

· Tracheotomy



· Anatomy: Life-like anatomical structures including nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, pharynx, larynx, uvula, palatoglossal arch, palatopharyngeal arch, tonsil, epiglottis, glottis, cricoid cartilage, thyroid cartilage, trachea, left and right bronchi, lungs, esophagus

· Key Features:

   About the model:

1) The airway can be opened by head tilt-chin lift, jaw thrust maneuver and Sniffing Position, and then oral endotracheal intubation and mask ventilation can be conducted

2)  Positioned well, allowing for detection of head angle and neck bend angle

3)  Ventilation by using Bag-Valve-Mask after successful intubation. Observable chest rise and fall during the ventilation and ventilation duration and tidal volume can be detected

4)   If the tube is inserted into the correct position of the airway, bilateral lungs rise can be seen when artificial ventilation is performed; If the tube is inserted too deep(deeper than 23cm) and enters the right bronchus, it will cause one-lung ventilation and alarm will be sounded; or if the tube is mistakenly inserted into the esophagus, alarm will also be sounded

5)   Sellick maneuver can be performed and pressure applied to the cricoid cartilage can be detected

6)   Endotracheal intubation can be performed by using devices like intubation tube (ETT), double-lumen tubes (DLTs), Combi-Tube, laryngeal mask, direct laryngoscope, video laryngoscope, flexible video laryngoscope

7)   Upper incisors are replaceable, and force on incisors during using laryngoscope can be detected

8)   Cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage on the neck feel real, and a “pop” or loss of resistance can be felt if the needle is inserted

9)   It allows to simulate difficult airway, which leads to a “can’t intubate”

10) Consumables like neck skin and cricothyroid membrane are replaceable

11) Rechargeable battery for continuous use for more than 4 hours 

About the control software:

1) The Model and Display device (Tablet PC) are connected by Wifi connection. Training and assessment can be performed via Tablet PC, and the final results can be printed

2) It has Instructor mode and Training mode, which both can choose laryngoscopes or intubation tube devices. Before training, cuff pressure can be detected and a warning will appear if the pressure abnormal. Adjust the pressure to normal and then start training

3) Automatically evaluate the trainee’s ventilation, use of laryngoscope and intubation

·Ventilation: detectable ventilation time(s)/duration/frequency and tidal volume

· Use of laryngoscope: automatic recording of the operation duration of laryngoscope, the force on incisors during using laryngoscope and the force applied to the tongue

·Intubation: detectable flexion of the neck and extension of the head, intubation position and depth, cuff inflation, Sellick maneuver and pressure applied to the cricoid cartilage

4) When the tube is inserted into the glottis, if it reaches the correct depth, a dynamic view can be seen in the interface; if the tube is inserted too deep, it will enter bronchus and a bronchus view will appear; if the tube is mistakenly inserted into the esophagus, also it will display real-time view

5) There will be the voice prompt such as correct, over-deep or abnormal intubation, correct airway opening, cuff inflation

6) In the Instructor mode, trainees can be assessed and the whole operation and alarm event can be recorded in real time. Glanceable result for the training, it can be saved and printed

7) The instructor can set the evaluation criteria such as evaluated operation items, adding or modifying the subjective evaluation criteria and the scores

8) The training results can be screened according to the time, catheter type, and intubation auxiliary tool; the results and assessment content can be exported all or part only in the Instructor mode

9) Training mode offers trainees self and mutual training and learning, and training reports allowing for viewing, exporting and printing

Tellyes, Virtually Real

Stock code :833047

Address:2nd & 3rd Floor, West 6th Building, 18 West HaiTai Road, Tianjin, China






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